Friday, 21 March 2014

Selfie Madness/Madness at Selfies

Don't you just hate a woman who posts a picture of herself with no makeup and donates to charity? Actually I don't, but it seems an alarming amount of my social media world do. Don't get me wrong, my initial reaction to #nomakeupselfie was one of scepticism and slight confusion: What is this selfie? Why are people doing it? How does a selfie help cancer? But it appears this was everyone's question.
This was not a premeditated PR stunt, celebrity led and costing thousands. It was a few quirky posts that became a self generating phenomenon and has raised almost a million so far. Yesterday's Telegraph cites author Laura Lippman as the unintentional founder of the no make up selfie and no one really knows where the #breastcancerawareness hashtag sprouted from, but why kick a gift horse in the mouth! Cancer Research UK admittedly did not conceive this campaign but ultimately the result has been lots of free media attention and increased donations.

What has really surprised me is the backlash against this trend. I don't see the why it is offensive to raise money via a selfie (which costs nothing), but we accept running marathons and climbing mountains as an appropriate reason to donate. Snide comments on peoples posts 'why the need to pout?' or 'why is this brave?' are really aggravating. Who gives a f*ck if you're pouting? Why do we instantly feel the need to be disparaging to someone just for trying?! I agree- it shouldn't be a brave act to post a picture with no makeup on and as someone who doesn't wear make makeup on a daily basis (I like to set the bar low at all times) it genuinely does not bother me, but it does bother me that there is a desire to undermine women who think it might be a big deal. Or even worse, when people are accused of being narcissistic and trying to look attractive in their selfie for a compliment. Who cares? Its Facebook! EVERYONE posts pictures of themselves looking good to share/show off to their friends, family and acquaintances that they met once in Peru. I can't fathom why now is suddenly the time to chastise them.

It's Sport Relief today and I can't imagine how much has been spent on marketing, logistics, flights, crew etc even if it is paid for by corporate sponsorship. I'm not berating the charity for this, but in comparison the #nomakeupselfie fund raising seems to be an anomaly in terms of getting people to give without a massive financial investment first, and refreshingly there are less celebrities raising their profiles with this (though I'm sure this could change quickly).

I haven't posted a selfie and I haven't donated yet, though I will remedy the second one swiftly. I may post an image of how to check your breasts or other fundraising ideas but I'll try not to do it with a negative tint or superiority. I may even start a new trend and post a bare picture of my breasts & try to seek sponsorship for this... I'm still coming up with ideas on this front! Regardless of how, breast cancer awareness and a general move towards giving little and often has to be a positive.  In the future I shall try to curb my reactionary cynicism and pass less judgement in my facebook bubble.

Women- I applaud you for posting a no makeup selfie whether it was a challenge to you or not. Hey, why not try a barefaced day or even a week; it may not cure cancer but it will be good for the soul.

Text BEAT to 70099 to donate £3

Since writing this I've now taken my #nomakeupselfie and donated. YES I did try & look half decent (call me a narcissist but that's true for most of my posts so nothing's changed) and NO it wasn't courageous of me because I look like this every day! £2million raised so far... Smile!